grow my earth our goal image

Grow My Earth is a platform that promotes only eco-friendly products. Along with this, it shares related tips and guides.

We strive to help people live an environmentally sustainable lifestyle and choose more sustainable options. Our journey towards environmental sustainability began with a simple awareness.

Whatever products we use in our everyday life, they can make a big impact on the environment. Our only expectation is that the impact should be positive. The mother(earth) who gave birth to us, it is our responsibility to do something good for her. Earth as a living entity deserves respect and care.


grow my earth our mission image

Our mission is to give information about eco-friendly products that do not harm the environment. Also, educating and motivating people to adopt eco-friendly habits that can have a positive impact on both their personal lives and the environment.

We are very proud to say that we are part of the united nation – sustainable development goals mission. SDG 12 aims to promote sustainable consumption and production patterns by implementing more efficient resource utilization and management strategies.

It recognizes that sustainable consumption and production patterns are playing an important role for achieving sustainable development and addressing global challenges such as climate change, resource depletion, and environmental degradation.


We get information from many sources who are already working in this field. like, UNITED STATE – ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCYUN – WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATIONEuropean Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and some private research organizations. We completely agree that each source’s study may differ. We believe that complex analysis of information is critical, and we try to understand why these sources may have contrary opinions. Our careful research approaches and deep review allows us to provide our readers with reliable, up-to-date, and trustworthy information.


Here the short summery,

We go through many different stages before presenting the article to you. After going through all of them we present you the best. Some of the categories included in those steps are-such as, transparency – Which are the brands that consider it necessary to share all the important information related to the products? We strongly research on it. If we need more information about the products,

We ask them. And if they satisfied us then, we move on the next stage.

After that we give priority to local brands, if they cross all the criteria related to environmentally friendly, then we keep them on our top priority.

If there is a possibility of allergy in any way from any products, then by focusing on it keeping all the issues in mind, we highlight those points in our article.

Keeping in mind all the interests of the users, our research team is constantly working to ensure that no information is missed by us.

If we get some updated information about the products of any brands, then we update it immediately.

Atish Mandlik pic

About Author

Hello, I’m Atish, the heart behind Grow My Earth Blog—a space dedicated to all things eco-friendly and sustainable. As the founder and author, I am on a mission to spread the love for nature and inspire positive action for our planet.

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